• Ancient Rome,  News

    Awesome Ancient Aqueducts Of Rome

    In the heart of ancient Rome, amid the grandeur of temples, bustling forums, and majestic coliseums, lay a network of engineering marvels that ensured the city’s survival and prosperity—the aqueducts and water systems. These monumental feats of engineering, designed with precision and executed with remarkable craftsmanship, provided Rome with the lifeblood of civilization: clean, flowing water. In this exploration of ancient Roman aqueducts and water systems, we delve into their construction, the visionary designers behind them, their incredible reach, ingenious drainage solutions, and their role in powering street fountains and sewer systems. 1. The Architects of Innovation: The construction of Roman aqueducts and water systems was a testament to the…

  • News,  Roman Food

    Apicius Recipes For The Modern Kitchen 6: Wild Boar (Ofellae Aprugneae)

    Continuing our culinary journey through the pages of Apicius’s ancient Roman cookbook, I find myself drawn deeper into the rich tapestry of flavours and traditions of this remarkable era. These recipes are not just a taste of history; they’re a connection to a time when food was both sustenance and celebration. Today, we explore “Ofellae Aprugneae,” a dish that embraces the hearty essence of wild boar and the elegance of Roman culinary expertise. Join me as we venture into the world of Apicius once more, adapting this for a modern kitchen. Ingredients: Instructions: With our modern twist on “Ofellae Aprugneae,” we pay homage to the Roman love for wild boar…

  • News,  Roman Food

    Apicius Recipes For The Modern Kitchen 2: Spiced Meat Patties (Isicia omentata)

    As we journey deeper into the gastronomic world of ancient Rome through the recipes of Apicius, I find myself continually enchanted by the creativity and flavours of this bygone era. Each dish is like a whisper from history, offering a glimpse into the culinary traditions of a civilization that left an indelible mark on the world. Today, we venture into the heart of Roman cuisine to prepare Isicia omentata, a delectable dish that combines ground meat, aromatic spices, and the essence of ancient Roman dining. Join me as we recreate this timeless recipe that has transcended centuries. I have adapted this as simplly as possible for today’s kitchen. Recipe: Isicia…

  • News,  On Writing

    How to Perfect The Art of Procrastination: A Masterclass for Writers

    Ah, procrastination! The siren song that beckons writers away from their keyboards and into the warm embrace of distraction. If you’ve ever found yourself rearranging your bookshelf instead of working on your novel or suddenly deciding that your sock drawer desperately needs organizing, you’re not alone. Procrastination is an art form, and writers, in particular, have honed it to a fine craft. Join us on as we explore the delightful world of procrastination and offer you a tongue-in-cheek guide on how to perfect this essential skill. 1. The Prewriting Ritual: Before you even begin writing, it’s crucial to indulge in a prewriting ritual. This can involve anything from brewing the…

  • News,  Roman Food

    Apicius Recipes For The Modern Kitchen 1: Roman Roast Pork with Honey and Garum Sauce

    Imagine being transported back in time to ancient Rome, where lavish feasts and culinary delights were as integral to daily life as politics and philosophy. At the heart of this gastronomic journey stands Apicius, a legendary gourmet and author of one of the world’s oldest cookbooks, “Apicius.” This collection of Roman recipes, dating back to the 4th or 5th century, offers a tantalizing glimpse into the culinary world of antiquity. Meet Apicius: Apicius, whose full name is believed to be Marcus Gavius Apicius, was a renowned Roman epicure. He lived during the reign of the emperors Augustus and Tiberius, a time when culinary innovation and indulgence were highly celebrated. Apicius’s…

  • Blog,  Meet The Gods,  News

    The Everlasting Story of the Pleiades Constellation: Myth and Astronomy

    For my daughter’s 5th birthday, we got her a telescope as she has been very interested in space and planets. I wont lie, the telescope was a bit of a present for me too. I remember evenings with my dad, out in the garden, getting lessons in astronomy and the myths behind the constellations. So when I am teaching my own daughter the same things, I feel like my dad is just a little closer, maybe hovering at our shoulders, prompting long forgotten knowledge to the surface. One of my favourite constellations is the Pleiades, the seven sisters. I liked the name, the story and perhaps because I am an…

  • News,  Roman Food

    Cabbage: The Humble Jewel of Ancient Rome

    In the bustling markets of ancient Rome, amidst the grandeur of marble statues and the aroma of exotic spices, a humble vegetable reigned supreme: cabbage. Far from being a mere filler, it was a prized gem in the culinary tapestry of the Empire. Its versatility transcended class. Wealthy patricians might savor it tossed with garum, a pungent fermented fish sauce, while plebeians would enjoy a hearty stew simmered with cabbage and legumes. Beyond its delicious simplicity, cabbage held a revered status. Believed to possess potent medicinal properties by Roman physicians like Cato the Elder, it was lauded for aiding digestion and even warding off illness. But the true marvel of…

  • Blog,  Book Reviews,  News

    Mrs. Hancock and the Mermaid” – Dive into Themes and Characters

    Dive into the enchanting world of “Mrs. Hancock and the Mermaid” by Imogen Hermes Gowar, a novel that combines historical fiction with elements of magical realism. In this immersive tale, readers are transported to 18th-century London, where the lives of captivating characters interweave with themes of love, desire, wonder, and the boundaries between reality and fantasy. Characters: The novel introduces us to an array of compelling characters, each with their own desires, secrets, and vulnerabilities. At the heart of the story is Mr. Jonah Hancock, a merchant whose life takes an unexpected turn when he becomes the owner of a mysterious and captivating mermaid. Themes that Ebb and Flow: “Mrs.…

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