• Blog,  Book Reviews,  News

    Mrs. Hancock and the Mermaid” – Dive into Themes and Characters

    Dive into the enchanting world of “Mrs. Hancock and the Mermaid” by Imogen Hermes Gowar, a novel that combines historical fiction with elements of magical realism. In this immersive tale, readers are transported to 18th-century London, where the lives of captivating characters interweave with themes of love, desire, wonder, and the boundaries between reality and fantasy. Characters: The novel introduces us to an array of compelling characters, each with their own desires, secrets, and vulnerabilities. At the heart of the story is Mr. Jonah Hancock, a merchant whose life takes an unexpected turn when he becomes the owner of a mysterious and captivating mermaid. Themes that Ebb and Flow: “Mrs.…

  • News

    A Review of ‘Tabula Rasa’ by Ruth Downie – An Ancient Roman Britian Mystery

    I have been devouring the Ruso mysteries this summer. I am sharing a review of book 6 in the series. It is probably my favourite so far and I will share why, further on. “Tabula Rasa” by Ruth Downie is a captivating historical mystery novel that takes readers on a journey to ancient Roman Britain. Set in the Roman Empire during the reign of Emperor Hadrian, this book follows the adventures of Gaius Petreius Ruso, a Roman army doctor who finds himself entangled, once again, in a complex web of secrets and danger. One of the standout aspects of this novel is the author’s meticulous attention to historical detail. Downie…

  • News,  On Writing

    10 Easy Tips for Self-Editing Your Fictional Writing

    Congratulations! You’ve poured your heart and soul into your manuscript, weaving a tapestry of characters, plot twists, and emotions. Yet, before your literary creation can dazzle readers, it requires a crucial step: editing. This for me, is the hard part, cutting fluff, sentences I spent hours finely tuning, only to then dump them in the bin. I am in the middle of fine tuning Even Gods Are Blind and it is getting there but all these blog posts are a perfect example of productive procrastination… Effective self-editing encompasses various stages, from developmental editing to copy editing (also known as line editing) and finally, proofreading. This comprehensive approach is the chisel…

  • News,  On Writing

    They Are Alive! 10 Lightning Tips for Crafting Compelling Characters

    In the vast tapestry of literature, characters are the beating heart of the narrative. They are the souls that readers connect with, the voices that resonate, and the vessels through which stories come alive. Crafting memorable characters is an art form, one that requires a balance of creativity, empathy, and keen observation. Whether you’re a seasoned novelist or an aspiring writer, the journey of character creation is a path well worth exploring. In this exploration, we’ll delve into the depths of character development, unveiling ten tips to breathe life into your fictional creations and etch them into the hearts of your readers. 1. Know Thy Character Intimately Before you introduce…

  • News,  On Writing

    Plotter Or Pantser? Do You Need A Narrative Road Map?

    It is almost that time again. November. That means two things. My birthday and NaNoWriMo. Every year, I give it a go, yet I never seem to get those 50,000 words down in 30 days and registered! Perhaps this year will be different (I say that every December). One very divisive argument surfaces in late October and that is whether you are a Plotter or a Pantser. If you have never heard of these words before, please continue reading and discover which you might be… Writing a novel is an adventure into the unknown, a journey where the destination is often as mysterious to the writer as it is to…

  • News,  On Writing

    Mastering the Craft: 12 Aspects Writers Should Perfect.

    Fictional writing is a craft that demands not only creativity but also meticulous attention to detail. Whether you’re a novice writer eager to learn or an experienced wordsmith honing your skills, there are critical elements you need to watch for when writing. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore 12 key aspects writers should be vigilant about to improve the quality and impact of their work. The other option is to sell your soul in exchange for a perfect manuscript and an wonderful agent. If anyone knows how I can go about this, please leave a comment below 🙂 1. Filler Words: The Culprit of Fluff Filler words are the saboteurs…

  • News,  On Writing

    10 Famous Writers’ Quotes On Writing Advice When You Are Stuck

    Before we delve into the treasure trove of wisdom offered by some of the world’s most renowned writers, let’s take a moment to appreciate the profound insights they’ve shared about the art of writing. From Mark Twain’s sage advice to Stephen King’s musings on the creative process, these quotes offer not only guidance but also a glimpse into the minds of literary giants. Join me on a journey through the words of these celebrated authors as they share their writing advice. Whether you’re an aspiring writer seeking inspiration or a seasoned wordsmith in need of a reminder, these pearls of wisdom will resonate with you and shed light on the…

  • News,  Roman Food

    Exploring the Culinary Delight of Ancient Roman Bread

    Bread has been a staple food throughout human history, and the ancient Romans were no exception. The Romans had a deep appreciation for bread and developed various techniques to create a wide array of mouth-watering breads. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of ancient Roman bread, exploring its significance, baking methods, and the ingredients used. So, grab a seat at the virtual table and prepare to savour the flavours of antiquity! The Importance of Bread in Ancient Rome: Bread held immense importance in the daily lives of Romans, serving as a primary source of sustenance. It was considered a fundamental element of the Roman diet, consumed…

  • Book Reviews,  News

    A Timeless Love Story: “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen – Review

    In the world of classic literature, there are few novels as beloved and enduring as Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice.” This timeless tale, first published in 1813, has captured the hearts of generations with its wit, social commentary, and unforgettable characters. It is my favourite book, one that I have read multiple times and I even named our child after Elizabeth Bennet. I hope she can channel her resilience and sass as she grows up. As we embark on this literary journey through the pages of “Pride and Prejudice,” let us explore why this novel continues to enchant readers and remains a cornerstone of English literature. A World of Manners…

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