• On Writing

    Flash Fiction Firestarters: 10 Tips to Spark Your Imagination

    Flash fiction presents a unique challenge for writers: crafting complete narratives within a limited word count usually between 1000 and 1500. Yet, within this brevity lies immense power. Flash fiction can evoke strong emotions, spark imaginations, and leave a lasting impact on readers. If you’re intrigued by this dynamic form and eager to explore its potential, this guide offers 10 essential tips to unleash your creativity and master the art of flash fiction. 1. Captivate with a Compelling Concept Every word in flash fiction carries weight. Begin with a clear and captivating concept that resonates with you. This could be a poignant moment, a quirky character, or a thought-provoking idea.…

  • On Writing

    Unravelling ‘Past’ and ‘Passed” – Mastering the Distinction

    In the English language, homophones can be a source of confusion for writers and speakers alike. Two such words that often cause confusion are “past” and “passed.” I must have spent 5 minutes arguing with myself on the correct word for the following: “The days passed slowly. No one answered her indignant cries or her soft pleading, whenever she heard someone linger near the cell.” I dithered backwards and forwards between the two and finally remembered my grammar lessons. So while they sound similar, they have distinct meanings and applications. Understanding the difference between these two words is essential for effective writing. In this article, we’ll explore the meanings of…

  • Blog,  On Writing

    21 Post Ideas to Ignite Your Author Blogging Journey

    Embarking on the path of becoming an author is a thrilling adventure filled with boundless creativity, countless narratives waiting to be born, and the promise of sharing your unique voice with the world. Yet, even the most passionate aspiring authors occasionally find themselves in need of inspiration and guidance along the way. I know I do. Writing fiction is completely different to writing blog posts and engaging unknown people out there in cyberspace, so I need all the help I can get. The purpose of a blog for authors is to show your writing style, to provide interesting and valuable information that relates to the book that you have slaved…

  • On Writing

    Writing at Warp Speed: Your NaNoWriMo Success Guide

    National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo, is a thrilling challenge that unites writers from around the world in a common goal: to write a 50,000-word novel in just 30 days. It’s a test of dedication, creativity, and perseverance. Whether you’re a seasoned writer or a novice, participating in NaNoWriMo can be a rewarding and transformative experience. In this guide, we’ll explore how to prepare for NaNoWriMo and, more importantly, how to achieve the ambitious goal of writing 50,000 words in a single month. I will follow my own advice and see how far I get this year! Section 1: Preparing for NaNoWriMo 1.1 Setting Clear Goals Before you dive into…

  • On Writing

    Search and Destroy : 21 Unnecessary Words in Your Fictional Writing

    In the art of storytelling, every word should serve a purpose, like a brushstroke on a canvas. Unnecessary words not only clutter your narrative but can also dilute its impact. As writers, our mission is to convey powerful stories with precision and clarity. To help you on your journey toward leaner, more engaging prose, let’s explore 20 words that often sneak into our writing but can be gracefully excised without sacrificing meaning or depth. 1. That: This word is often superfluous. For instance, “She said that she would come” can be simplified to “She said she would come.” 2. Really: It often adds little meaning and it is lazy writing.…

  • On Writing

    Balancing Words and Crayons: Writing Through Parenthood’s Beautiful Chaos

    As I sit down to write this, my kitchen table is adorned with crayon doodles and sticky fingerprints, Peppa Pig is playing in the background, a testament to the beautiful chaos that is parenting. Being both a writer and a parent is a rewarding but intricate dance, a delicate balancing act between crafting words and nurturing little hearts. In this blog post, I invite you to join me on a journey through the joys, struggles, and valuable lessons learned while navigating the terrain of parenthood alongside the pursuit of a published novel. Along the way, I’ll probably have to take multiple breaks—perhaps even while giving birth to unicorns by caesarean…

  • News,  On Writing

    How to Perfect The Art of Procrastination: A Masterclass for Writers

    Ah, procrastination! The siren song that beckons writers away from their keyboards and into the warm embrace of distraction. If you’ve ever found yourself rearranging your bookshelf instead of working on your novel or suddenly deciding that your sock drawer desperately needs organizing, you’re not alone. Procrastination is an art form, and writers, in particular, have honed it to a fine craft. Join us on as we explore the delightful world of procrastination and offer you a tongue-in-cheek guide on how to perfect this essential skill. 1. The Prewriting Ritual: Before you even begin writing, it’s crucial to indulge in a prewriting ritual. This can involve anything from brewing the…

  • News,  On Writing

    10 Easy Tips for Self-Editing Your Fictional Writing

    Congratulations! You’ve poured your heart and soul into your manuscript, weaving a tapestry of characters, plot twists, and emotions. Yet, before your literary creation can dazzle readers, it requires a crucial step: editing. This for me, is the hard part, cutting fluff, sentences I spent hours finely tuning, only to then dump them in the bin. I am in the middle of fine tuning Even Gods Are Blind and it is getting there but all these blog posts are a perfect example of productive procrastination… Effective self-editing encompasses various stages, from developmental editing to copy editing (also known as line editing) and finally, proofreading. This comprehensive approach is the chisel…

  • News,  On Writing

    They Are Alive! 10 Lightning Tips for Crafting Compelling Characters

    In the vast tapestry of literature, characters are the beating heart of the narrative. They are the souls that readers connect with, the voices that resonate, and the vessels through which stories come alive. Crafting memorable characters is an art form, one that requires a balance of creativity, empathy, and keen observation. Whether you’re a seasoned novelist or an aspiring writer, the journey of character creation is a path well worth exploring. In this exploration, we’ll delve into the depths of character development, unveiling ten tips to breathe life into your fictional creations and etch them into the hearts of your readers. 1. Know Thy Character Intimately Before you introduce…

  • News,  On Writing

    Plotter Or Pantser? Do You Need A Narrative Road Map?

    It is almost that time again. November. That means two things. My birthday and NaNoWriMo. Every year, I give it a go, yet I never seem to get those 50,000 words down in 30 days and registered! Perhaps this year will be different (I say that every December). One very divisive argument surfaces in late October and that is whether you are a Plotter or a Pantser. If you have never heard of these words before, please continue reading and discover which you might be… Writing a novel is an adventure into the unknown, a journey where the destination is often as mysterious to the writer as it is to…

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