• Historical Sites

    Happy Birthday, Rome!

    Today, April 21st, marks the legendary founding of the Eternal City – Rome! I received an invitation from Nova Roma, a group based in Rome that celebrates all things ancient Roman, to join the celebrations this year. Unfortunately, we were unable to attend today as it is always an amazing day. According to tradition, the city was established by Romulus in 753 BC. While the exact date might be shrouded in myth, there’s no doubt that Rome’s rich history and enduring legacy continue to capture our imaginations. Celebrating Natale di Roma Italians celebrate Rome’s birthday with a vibrant festival called “Natale di Roma” (Birthday of Rome). The festivities typically last…

  • Even Gods Are Blind

    Even Gods Are Blind and a Little Latin

    Amare et Sapere Vix Deo Conceditur The title of a book often serves as a portal, beckoning readers to dive into an epic fantasy adventure. Such is the case with my upcoming novel, “Even Gods Are Blind.” Drawing inspiration from the profound Latin phrase “Amare et sapere vix deo conceditur,” meaning “Even a god finds it hard to love and be wise at the same time,” attributed to the Roman philosopher Publilius Syrus, I sought to encapsulate the central theme of my book. This ancient adage sheds light on the interplay between love, wisdom, and the divine, setting the stage for the journey ahead. What are the sacrifices you would…

  • Short Stories

    Martha Is Left Behind – Short Story

    The sharp tang of vinegar and the soft curve of her cheek pull me from where I linger. A change from seaweed and jagged rocks. She gazes out to sea, clutching a bag of chips like a life raft. Tears in familiar eyes make my chest ache, but I can’t think… I don’t know… I’m not sure… My tiny shadow wraps her cold hand in mine. “Daddy, don’t you remember?” I glance behind us. Only one set of footsteps trail across the beach, and I find it difficult to breathe. My little girl tugs my hand. Insistent. Why is she so wet? I hold her tight against me and try…

  • Ancient Rome

    Resounding Past: Rediscovering Ancient Roman Music

    In the heart of ancient Rome’s bustling streets and grand amphitheaters, a symphony of melodies echoed through the tapestry of everyday life. Music, an integral part of Roman culture, transcended mere entertainment, weaving itself intricately into the fabric of society, ceremonies, and communal celebrations. The Romans viewed music not just as a form of artistic expression but as a vital element that animated their existence. Its echoes reverberated through the cobbled streets, resonating in the grandeur of temples, theatres, and humble households alike. Encompassing a diverse array of sounds, instruments, and rhythms, music was ubiquitous in Roman life. Whether it was the melodic hum of the tibia or the rhythmic…

  • Meet The Gods

    Uncorking the Mystery: Bacchus Roman God of Wine

    In the vast pantheon of ancient gods, few evoke the mystique and allure quite like Bacchus. Revered as the Roman god of wine, fertility, and revelry, Bacchus shares striking similarities with his Greek counterpart, Dionysus. Here we delve into the captivating world of Bacchus, exploring his mythological origins, comparing him to Dionysus, and uncovering intriguing stories about his birth and cult. Bacchus vs. Dionysus: Though often seen as interchangeable, Bacchus and Dionysus, the respective Roman and Greek gods of wine and revelry, embody the duality within their shared domain. Dionysus, a youthful and androgynous figure, reflects the Greek ideals of divine madness and the cyclical nature of life and death.…

  • On Writing

    Flash Fiction Firestarters: 10 Tips to Spark Your Imagination

    Flash fiction presents a unique challenge for writers: crafting complete narratives within a limited word count usually between 1000 and 1500. Yet, within this brevity lies immense power. Flash fiction can evoke strong emotions, spark imaginations, and leave a lasting impact on readers. If you’re intrigued by this dynamic form and eager to explore its potential, this guide offers 10 essential tips to unleash your creativity and master the art of flash fiction. 1. Captivate with a Compelling Concept Every word in flash fiction carries weight. Begin with a clear and captivating concept that resonates with you. This could be a poignant moment, a quirky character, or a thought-provoking idea.…

  • On Writing

    Unravelling ‘Past’ and ‘Passed” – Mastering the Distinction

    In the English language, homophones can be a source of confusion for writers and speakers alike. Two such words that often cause confusion are “past” and “passed.” I must have spent 5 minutes arguing with myself on the correct word for the following: “The days passed slowly. No one answered her indignant cries or her soft pleading, whenever she heard someone linger near the cell.” I dithered backwards and forwards between the two and finally remembered my grammar lessons. So while they sound similar, they have distinct meanings and applications. Understanding the difference between these two words is essential for effective writing. In this article, we’ll explore the meanings of…

  • Book Reviews

    Where Rome Never Falls – Romanitas book review

    “Romanitas” by Sophia McDougall is an imaginative alternate history novel that explores a world where the Roman Empire never fell. It’s a gripping tale that combines elements of political intrigue, character-driven drama, and speculative fiction to create a thought-provoking narrative. Romanitas – Follow the link to Amazon UK, as part of my Affiliate programme. Plot Overview:The novel is set in a modern-day world where the Roman Empire continues to thrive and dominate the global stage. The story follows three main characters: Gaius, a Roman Praetorian Guard; Lucius, the rightful heir to the throne; and Una, a British slave who possesses a secret that could change the course of history. The…

  • The Guest Post Page

    How I Traditionally Published My Book Without an Agent

    Guest Post by JB Harris, Author of The Immigrant’s Wife Meet JB Harris, an author who has successfully navigated the complexities of traditional publishing. In her post titled “How I Traditionally Published My Book Without an Agent,” JB candidly shares her journey, shedding light on the process of securing a traditional publishing deal without the aid of an agent. Drawing from her own experiences, JB offers insights and practical advice, providing a glimpse into the less conventional path to traditional publishing. Her narrative serves as a valuable resource for aspiring authors seeking to understand the dynamics of the publishing industry. Join me as we explore JB Harris’s account, gaining valuable…

  • Art in the Ancient World

    The Shimmering Legacy: Glass in the Roman Empire

    The Wondrous Journey of Glass in the Roman Empire In the grand tapestry of human history, few inventions have left as indelible a mark as glass. This transparent marvel has shaped entire civilizations, from its ancient origins amidst the mystique of Mesopotamia to its transformation into a cherished art form within the majestic realm of the Roman Empire. As we embark on this captivating journey through time, let us delve into the fascinating history of glass in the Roman Empire – from its serendipitous discovery to its multifaceted applications and artistic evolution. The Birth of Glass The enchanting tale of glass commences over four millennia ago, amidst the cradle of…

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