• Lifestyle

    Hogwarts Legacy – Better late than never – A review.

    In this post, I am branching away from Ancient Rome and writing tips. It is a game review! I am a little late to the Hogwarts party. The price on release was not something I could justify but as it is on sale now and my birthday coming up, I thought I would treat myself. Happy Birthday to me! I have only had it a few days but here is what I can share so far. Hogwarts Legacy (Paid Link) Hogwarts Legacy Game Review Hogwarts Legacy is a new open-world RPG set in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. It is developed by Avalanche Software and published by Warner Bros.…

  • Ancient Rome

    Bridging the Gap Between Life and Death: A Look at Ancient Roman Beliefs and Practices for Communication with the Dead

    As Halloween approaches and our fascination with ghosts and the afterlife takes centre stage, it’s intriguing to explore the ancient Romans’ rich and complex beliefs and practices regarding communication with the dead. The Romans, much like us, held a deep fascination for the afterlife and believed that the deceased continued to exist in another realm. Communication with the dead was not just a religious duty but an essential aspect of their spiritual life, connecting the living with their departed loved ones and revered figures. This article delves into the captivating world of ancient Roman beliefs and practices surrounding the spirits of the deceased, shedding light on the enduring human quest…

  • Roman Food

    Apicius: The Roman Gastronome Who Changed the World

    Apicus was a Roman gastronome and cookbook author who lived in the 1st century AD. He is considered to be one of the most important figures in the history of Western cuisine. His cookbook, De re coquinaria (On the Subject of Cooking), is the oldest surviving cookbook from the Roman era. De re coquinaria is a collection of over 500 recipes, covering a wide range of dishes, from simple snacks to elaborate banquets. Apicus’s recipes are known for their sophistication and their use of expensive ingredients, such as snails, truffles, and peacock tongues. However, he also includes recipes for more everyday dishes, such as chicken stew and lentil soup. Apicus’s…

  • Ancient Rome

    The Mighty Legions: Unveiling the Roman Army’s Secrets

    Few military forces have left a mark as indelible as the legions of ancient Rome. The Roman army, renowned for its discipline, organization, and sheer might, played a pivotal role in shaping the course of Western civilization. Join us on a journey into the heart of this formidable military machine, where we’ll explore not only its structure but also delve into the daily life of a Roman soldier, from their standard equipment to their meagre yet meaningful pay. Structure of the Legions: The backbone of the Roman army was its intricate structure, a system that ensured efficiency and cohesion on the battlefield. At its zenith, the Roman army consisted of…

  • News,  Roman Food

    Apicius Recipes For The Modern Kitchen 2: Spiced Meat Patties (Isicia omentata)

    As we journey deeper into the gastronomic world of ancient Rome through the recipes of Apicius, I find myself continually enchanted by the creativity and flavours of this bygone era. Each dish is like a whisper from history, offering a glimpse into the culinary traditions of a civilization that left an indelible mark on the world. Today, we venture into the heart of Roman cuisine to prepare Isicia omentata, a delectable dish that combines ground meat, aromatic spices, and the essence of ancient Roman dining. Join me as we recreate this timeless recipe that has transcended centuries. I have adapted this as simplly as possible for today’s kitchen. Recipe: Isicia…

  • Ancient Rome

    7 Significant Snippets From The Life of Marcus Aurelius

    In the annals of Roman history, there emerges a figure who embodies the ideals of stoicism, the wisdom of a philosopher, and the power of an emperor. His name is Marcus Aurelius, and he stands as one of the most iconic figures of the Roman Empire. In this exploration of the life, accomplishments, philosophy, leadership, and enduring legacy of Marcus Aurelius, we delve deep into the life of the philosopher-emperor who left an indelible mark on the course of Rome and the world. 1. Early Life and Education: Marcus Aurelius was born in AD 121 in the city of Rome, during a time of relative peace and stability. He hailed…

  • Ancient Rome,  Blog

    Rome’s First Emperor – 5 Fascinating Facts about Caesar Augustus

    In the annals of history, few figures shine as brilliantly as Caesar Augustus. The man who would become Rome’s first emperor left an indelible mark on the ancient world, reshaping the destiny of an empire and birthing a new era. In this blog post, we embark on a journey through time to explore the life, reign, and enduring legacy of Caesar Augustus, a name synonymous with power, vision, and transformation. Here are five amazing facts that illuminate the life of this extraordinary leader. 1. The Triumvirate and Civil War: One of the defining moments in Augustus’s ascent to power was his close association with Julius Caesar. Augustus, originally known as…

  • News,  Roman Food

    Apicius Recipes For The Modern Kitchen 1: Roman Roast Pork with Honey and Garum Sauce

    Imagine being transported back in time to ancient Rome, where lavish feasts and culinary delights were as integral to daily life as politics and philosophy. At the heart of this gastronomic journey stands Apicius, a legendary gourmet and author of one of the world’s oldest cookbooks, “Apicius.” This collection of Roman recipes, dating back to the 4th or 5th century, offers a tantalizing glimpse into the culinary world of antiquity. Meet Apicius: Apicius, whose full name is believed to be Marcus Gavius Apicius, was a renowned Roman epicure. He lived during the reign of the emperors Augustus and Tiberius, a time when culinary innovation and indulgence were highly celebrated. Apicius’s…

  • Blog,  Meet The Gods,  News

    The Everlasting Story of the Pleiades Constellation: Myth and Astronomy

    For my daughter’s 5th birthday, we got her a telescope as she has been very interested in space and planets. I wont lie, the telescope was a bit of a present for me too. I remember evenings with my dad, out in the garden, getting lessons in astronomy and the myths behind the constellations. So when I am teaching my own daughter the same things, I feel like my dad is just a little closer, maybe hovering at our shoulders, prompting long forgotten knowledge to the surface. One of my favourite constellations is the Pleiades, the seven sisters. I liked the name, the story and perhaps because I am an…

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