
Hogwarts Legacy – Better late than never – A review.

In this post, I am branching away from Ancient Rome and writing tips. It is a game review!

I am a little late to the Hogwarts party. The price on release was not something I could justify but as it is on sale now and my birthday coming up, I thought I would treat myself. Happy Birthday to me! I have only had it a few days but here is what I can share so far.

Hogwarts Legacy (Paid Link)

Hogwarts Legacy Game Review

Hogwarts Legacy is a new open-world RPG set in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. It is developed by Avalanche Software and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. The game was released on February 10, 2023 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.


Hogwarts Legacy is an open-world RPG, which means that players can explore the game world at their own pace. The game world includes Hogwarts Castle, the surrounding Forbidden Forest, and the village of Hogsmeade. Players can also create their own character and choose their own house. You can have purple hair and green skin, should you so choose. I went with a mini-me and one thing that I noticed is that this game has far more customisation options than most. Hopefully, whatever your ethnicity, you are probably represented within the game. I went with Ravenclaw as usual, although I plan to do my next play through as a Slytherin. Apparently, there are quests that are house specific and obviously, I need to explore each common room.

The game features a variety of gameplay activities, including attending classes, learning spells, exploring the castle, and interacting with other students and teachers. Players can also participate in a variety of quests and challenges.


The combat in Hogwarts Legacy is based on the spellcasting system from the Harry Potter books and movies. Players can learn a variety of spells, each with its own unique effect. Players can also combine spells to create more powerful attacks. Different enemies require specific spells to defeat them, for example, Trolls need a different strategy to Inferi. I am playing on the story mode, so combat is ridiculously easy. As a fifth year student, I am eradicating fully grown bad guys with ease, swish and flick and gone!


Hogwarts Legacy features impressive graphics. The game world is highly detailed and immersive. The characters and creatures are also well-designed. My husband even commented on how life like the characters are. It is a really beautiful game. I probably spent more time with the unicorns than I needed to, they are just so pretty!


Hogwarts Legacy is set in the 1800s, long before the events of the Harry Potter books and movies. The game tells the story of a new student at Hogwarts who discovers a secret chamber that contains an ancient power. Throw in some goblins, dark wizards and supportive friends and you will be hooked!

Personal thoughts

I am a big fan of the Harry Potter series, so I was very excited to play Hogwarts Legacy. I am happy to report that the game did not disappoint. I’m having a lot of fun exploring Hogwarts and learning new spells.

One of the things I liked most about Hogwarts Legacy was the sense of immersion, there is so much more to explore than the movies covered. Secret rooms and puzzles abound! The game world is highly detailed and the characters are well-designed.

Another thing I liked about the game was the story. The game tells a unique and interesting story that is set in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Maybe Harry Potter should have paid more attention in Professor Binns history class…

Overall, I highly recommend Hogwarts Legacy to fans of the Harry Potter series. It is a great game that is sure to provide hours of entertainment. I should be doing something more productive like folding laundry or writing but like a siren, it calls me back!

Additional Thoughts

In addition to the above, I would like to add that Hogwarts Legacy is a very ambitious game. It is one of the largest and most detailed open-world RPGs that I have ever played. The game world is full of secrets to discover and challenges to overcome.

I also appreciate the fact that Hogwarts Legacy is a very faithful adaptation of the Harry Potter series. The game world is full of iconic locations from the books and movies. The characters and creatures are also well-designed and recognizable.

Here are some pros and cons about Hogwarts Legacy:


  • Stunning visuals and attention to detail
  • Immersive open world to explore
  • The combat is fast-paced and requires strategic use of spells.
  • Well-written story and side quests
  • Deep character customization options
  • Top-notch voice acting


  • Performance issues on some platforms
  • Occasional repetitive gameplay
  • The total lack of boundaries, my character is a thief with no respect for lock doors and personal letters and property which I suppose is standard for many games. I hope that any younger gamers don’t get any ideas…
  • Lack of some iconic Harry Potter elements (e.g., Quidditch, Patronuses)
  • The broom handling is not great at first but with practice and better brooms, it gets easier.

Overall, Hogwarts Legacy is a great game with a lot to offer fans of the Harry Potter series. Its immersive open world, fun combat system, and well-written story make it a must-play for any Potterhead.

While the game does have some performance issues on some platforms, I didn’t experience any major problems myself. I don’t think less than a minute loading time to open a door to a new area is a huge issue. And while the gameplay can be repetitive at times, I found that the game’s other strengths made up for this.

You also have the option to link your Harry Potter Fan Club and game to unlock exclusive rewards, which is nice bonus.

If you are a fan of the Harry Potter series, then you owe it to yourself to check out Hogwarts Legacy. It is a great game that is sure to please fans of all ages, even older ones like me. Have you played it? What did you think, let me know below!

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