• Ancient Rome

    7 Significant Snippets From The Life of Marcus Aurelius

    In the annals of Roman history, there emerges a figure who embodies the ideals of stoicism, the wisdom of a philosopher, and the power of an emperor. His name is Marcus Aurelius, and he stands as one of the most iconic figures of the Roman Empire. In this exploration of the life, accomplishments, philosophy, leadership, and enduring legacy of Marcus Aurelius, we delve deep into the life of the philosopher-emperor who left an indelible mark on the course of Rome and the world. 1. Early Life and Education: Marcus Aurelius was born in AD 121 in the city of Rome, during a time of relative peace and stability. He hailed…

  • Blog,  News

    Beautiful Marcus Aurelius Quotes To Live Well By.

    “Our life is what our thoughts make it.” I have included a selection of my favourite quotes by Marcus Aurelius from his Meditations. These snippets of wisdom were relevant in his lifetime almost two thousand years ago (26 April 121-17 March 180) and even more so now, when we need to consider what is really important in our lives. Have a read and “meditate” 🙂 on them. How much do we let external factors influence our happiness? How much responsibility to we take for our own thoughts? “The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.” “Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should…

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