• On Writing

    Unravelling ‘Past’ and ‘Passed” – Mastering the Distinction

    In the English language, homophones can be a source of confusion for writers and speakers alike. Two such words that often cause confusion are “past” and “passed.” I must have spent 5 minutes arguing with myself on the correct word for the following: “The days passed slowly. No one answered her indignant cries or her soft pleading, whenever she heard someone linger near the cell.” I dithered backwards and forwards between the two and finally remembered my grammar lessons. So while they sound similar, they have distinct meanings and applications. Understanding the difference between these two words is essential for effective writing. In this article, we’ll explore the meanings of…

  • News,  On Writing

    Mastering the Craft: 12 Aspects Writers Should Perfect.

    Fictional writing is a craft that demands not only creativity but also meticulous attention to detail. Whether you’re a novice writer eager to learn or an experienced wordsmith honing your skills, there are critical elements you need to watch for when writing. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore 12 key aspects writers should be vigilant about to improve the quality and impact of their work. The other option is to sell your soul in exchange for a perfect manuscript and an wonderful agent. If anyone knows how I can go about this, please leave a comment below 🙂 1. Filler Words: The Culprit of Fluff Filler words are the saboteurs…

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