I Won – Second Place at Retreat West November’s Micro Fiction Competition
I am delighted to share the fact I actually won something with writing! Yes, it was only second place but it is a start. Not only was my story published online, there were pennies involved too!
I recently discovered flash and micro fiction. I really enjoy the challenge of trying to create a story in just 50, 100 or 500 words. The internet is full of flash fiction competitions and I think it’s good exercise for writers, especially if you have hit a block in your current WIP.
It isn’t easy, though. Every word must count. Just because you have a few words to work with, doesn’t mean you can ignore things like character arc, plot, suspense and other pesky things that are easy to fit into a regular piece of fiction.
But it can be done!
What are your thoughts on flash fiction? If you have never tried it, give it a go!
Another short piece selected for online publication.
I found a wonderful treasure trove of tiny stories on www.fiftywordstories.com, a website where they publish two fifty words stories everyday. If selected, it gives authors a chance to get their work out there and read by others.
I find such short pieces are a great exercise in creativity, although perhaps I take far too much time mulling over ever single word, deleting, changing tense, adding the same word back in. It is fun, regardless!
My tiny story was selected for Christmas day, a slightly creepy work revealing how Santa has lived so long. Find my story here. Please let me know what you think!