Book Reviews

A Review of “Circe” by Madeline Miller: A Mythic Masterpiece

If you have read the Odyssey by Homer, you are probably familiar with the name Circe. When Odysseus and his crew meet Circe, she invites them to her palace and offers them a feast. However, she uses her magic to turn them into pigs. Odysseus, with the help of the god Hermes, receives a magical herb, which protects him from Circe’s spells. He confronts Circe, demands the release of his crew, and eventually persuades her to turn his men back into humans. They stay with Circe for a year before continuing their journey. And that was all we knew of Circe until now….

Step into the beguiling world of Greek mythology, where gods and mortals collide, in Madeline Miller’s spellbinding novel, “Circe.” In this mesmerizing tale, the author breathes new life into an age-old character, offering readers a fresh perspective on the enchantress who dared to defy the gods. Join me as we embark on a journey through the pages of “Circe” and explore its captivating narrative, rich character development, and thought-provoking themes.

A Mythical Reimagining:

“Circe” is a reimagining of the life of Circe, the daughter of the sun god Helios and the nymph Perse. Often portrayed as a villainous sorceress in Greek mythology, Miller invites us to see Circe through a different lens. She takes a character who has been relegated to the margins of the epic tales and gives her a voice, a history, and a soul.

Circe: A Complex Protagonist:

At the heart of the novel is Circe herself, a character of immense complexity. She is a goddess who possesses the power of transformation, yet she longs for a connection that transcends her immortal existence. Her journey from an isolated nymph to a formidable sorceress is a narrative of self-discovery, resilience, and the quest for autonomy. Circe’s evolution from an obedient daughter to a defiant woman is both relatable and inspiring.

Greek Mythology Revisited:

Madeline Miller’s command of Greek mythology is nothing short of masterful. She weaves together familiar myths and characters, seamlessly integrating them into Circe’s narrative. Readers will encounter the likes of Odysseus, Athena, and Hermes, each reimagined with depth and nuance.

Themes of Power and Transformation:

“Circe” is a meditation on power, transformation, and the cost of defying the gods. It explores the consequences of seeking one’s own path in a world governed by divine will. Circe’s magic is a metaphor for her agency, and her journey reminds us that true power often comes from within.

Writing that Casts a Spell:

Madeline Miller’s prose is a work of art in itself. Her lyrical writing style draws readers into the world of ancient Greece, immersing them in its sights, sounds, and emotions. It’s a testament to her skill that the novel’s language feels both contemporary and timeless.


“Circe” by Madeline Miller is a triumph of storytelling, a novel that transcends its mythic origins to become a deeply human tale of identity, power, and transformation. It’s a book that invites readers to question the narratives of the past and to reimagine the stories of women who were once silenced. With its captivating protagonist, evocative prose, and thought-provoking themes, “Circe” is a literary masterpiece that will resonate with readers long after they’ve turned the final page. Whether you’re a fan of Greek mythology or simply appreciate exquisite storytelling, this novel is a must-read. 10/10 from me.

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