• Ancient Rome

    Ovid’s Beauty Secrets: A Timeless Guide or … Not.

    As part of my research for the sequel to Even Gods Are Blind, I have been focusing on how Claudia can fit into her new role and look the part… no spoilers! I am already quite familiar with the fashions of that period but I wanted to read more about how rich women cared for themselves. I picked up my copy of The Love Poems by Ovid as he has a amusing section for just that thing. Ovid, a renowned Roman poet, penned the poem “Medicamina Faciei Femineae” (Cosmetics for Women) as part of his larger work, “Ars Amatoria” (The Art of Love). In this poem, Ovid offers advice to…

  • Blog

    Emperors of the Roman Empire: From Augustus to Constantine

    The Ancient Roman Empire, one of history’s most influential and enduring civilizations, was defined by its formidable emperors who wielded immense power and shaped vast portions of the world with ruthless ambition. As a devoted enthusiast of the early Roman Empire, I’m thrilled to present to you this list of extraordinary individuals who guided this ancient colossus. From the iconic Augustus to the transformative Constantine the Great, join me on a journey through time as we delve into the lives of 41 Rome’s emperors, exploring their achievements, legacies, and the intriguing tales that have survived the test of centuries. 1. Augustus (27 BC – 14 AD): Often considered the first…

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