Joseph Donne is an unpublished writer who lives in Ohio with his wife, two kids, and two cats. Visit to get in touch or find him on Twitter or Instagram Right about this time two years ago, I made the decision that I was going to jump in with both feet and give this writing thing a go. I was that walking cliché that told people I “always wanted to write a book,” and some part of me wanted to believe I would be able to just sit down and do the thing. I’d written some short stories when I was younger (Yes, I still have them, and no,…
4 Things A Fledgling Author Needs
As an unpublished author about to start querying, I have done some research and as they say, forewarned is forearmed. Unfortunately, you can’t just write words down, edit them, have an agent fall into your lap, publish and then retire to a beach somewhere to write some more words. As I discovered, there is more to being an author than a story. There is all the back stage stuff too, like these 4 tips I will share below. I have worked through them myself and I hope they can help you out too. In this list of 4 things an author needs, I won’t include, the obvious perfected manuscript, an…