It’s a hard life, being a writer, right? You have all these characters scratching or hammering inside your head, trying to get out into the world. Sometimes the words flow, and sometimes, not so much, leaving you staring at the screen in frustration. Time to make another cup of coffee and check Twitter.
Time to make another cup of coffee and check Twitter.
There are moments that make it worthwhile too. I reread something and was surprised… did those words actually come from me? It swept me away, made me laugh and I hope if those words every see the light of day, they have that effect on others too.
Then, once you have a decent story on paper you have to go through it and kill most of it to turn it into something resembling a novel. That is the point I am at now. Killing my darlings, I believe it is called. Wish me luck.
Cynthia Kulikov
Just keep going! Great job on your author website here. You’ve got me inspired to take the next step myself.
Hi Cynthia, thank you for your comment. It is still a work in progress and takes time away from actual writing but I’m enjoying the learning curve!